Killing Eve: Are You Leading or Am I? (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
loose ends
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder why some people get to write 23 character reviews and me they pay a membership to say. "Good Episode, look forward to next season" ? At any rate I realize I am let to this party and that the train for interest in this has mostly left the station, but at least I get a weak little wave from Eve as I go. Seriously needed to have a a few things wrapped up this season, like what actually happened to Kenny (not buying Konstantine cause he is a weasel/liar through and through) , why Bear was so slow on "lets go to the videotape Johnny" moment while his candies are highlighted once again for comedic effect. Dasha now must go because? Konstantine was embezzling money how? When? Eve gets a clue then nearly drops it pursuing the money and annoyingly not giving heart attack man (who she should have been doing mouth to mouth on and chest compressions earlier) his nesting dolls. Leads us to his now completely psycho daughter running over a nice guy foreshadowing her replacing Villanelle I suppose). Let's call her, not tell her where we are and have her show up. This after pointless dance scene where we again are subjected to Eve's unwatchable long, sad, droopy face while trying to read every great nuance in Villanelle/Jodies.

Cut to Geraldine the pointless having relationship with Konstantine (never retrieving fridge magnet bus listening device btw) and wasting perfectly good filet mignon and for what ? So now all the big players are in one room, Paul the under developed baddie gets offed as we are to imagine it is Konstantine Carlolyn is going to kill for being last person with Kenny. Eve acts surprised and shocked , Villanelle indifferent and K should have had another heart attack. The problem is we have no real villains , who the F are the 12, what is the point of having Kennys buds even exist, what in hell does V even see in E? Seriously, what? Likes her just because Eve has a crush on her? Nico was right to tell her to piss off as she brings nothing to the party but that face and we have another 8 episodes to see if it changes. Please Villanelle , do something about that.
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