The Regime (2024)
Not for Americans, Mid-Eastern Europeans will love it
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The above headline is, of course, a simplification of the general view, that this series might not be appreciated by anyone not familiar with the political nuances in eastern Europe or Korea throughout the 20th century spanning till now. This show is packed with references to things we here know, experience or have heard from our parents and grandparents.

  • the legend of the Three Brothers (Lech, Czech and Rus establishing Poland, the Czech rep and Russia)
  • looking for validation in historical heroes (Mussolini and the Roman Empire)
  • the great humoungous palaces, dripping in gold, where the tzars live (just look at any of Putin's appearances)
  • the absurdly long table for the meeting with the American ambassador (Putin as well)
  • the narcissistic and obsession-driven nature of the ruler herself and her staff catering to her every whim out of fear
  • the Lenin-like Daddy in a casket (Lenin wiecznie zywy)
  • The peaceful annexation of the Faban corridor, with the locals being thrilled to be reunited with their brethren (the annexation of Crimea and onboing war in the Ukraine)
  • the obsession with folklore
  • the annexation of private estates for 'the people', keeping in mind that the actual people will get none of it
  • visits to factories, meetings with children to warmen up one's image, throwing political enemies in jail with no trials
  • the language of lies and deception, the complete and utter disregard of the struggles of regular people, deeming all news reports as foreign propaganda

All of this is something we know not from history books but from our surroundings and stories from our families.

The ending of this story was disappointing, yes, I truly wanted Elena to be punished for her narcissism, stupidity and blindness. Then again, how many times are narcissists actually brought to justice?
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