Silent Rage (1982)
Unsatisfying Actioner
24 April 2024
Ususually with a Chuck Norris movie you know what to expect. Or maybe you just expect to expect in this case. There was one Norris movie that earned praise from Siskel and Ebert and the name sounded familiar, but this isn't it.

What this is though is an attempt at a more serious movie for Norris. Its not a simple bad guy bad, Norris guy good movie. In this he goes up against a reincarnated lunatic, who has been used as a ginea pig for a drug that makes the body indestructable.

So this has some elements of sci-fi which you can tell due to the Roland CR78 drum machine and heavy reverb. That and the mad doctors/scientists in white coats.

So why is this a flop? Well it strays too far from the accepted tropes. In this Norris is simply inferior to his enemy. No amount of karate can resolve this and his fans wont like seeing him in a position of weakness. It also has long periods of boredom and none of the men can really act. Norris has two facial expressions, one of which is blue steel. The women are a bit better, mainly via screaming though. There definitely is a horror element here as well, as in 70s and 80's nothing was scarier than the though of a super strong madman, which this movie is based on. You cant even say the violence in this was entertaining either, the Norris punch ups are average and the murders/gore is pretty poorly done. There is one character who is meant to be the comedic relief which feels totally out of place. So not much here to recommend, I watched this by accident, make sure you don't make the same mistake.
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