23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Literally felt like a bridge between Part One and Part Three.. I just felt like I was watching random superheroes fight and talk. No stakes off the bat. I'm so glad that Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth was made into one of the main characters along with Supergirl.....what a terrible idea. I can't believe how much DC properties have been wasted in the past couple years. Especially animated, I loved a lot of the films from that era but this universe needs the reset button asap.

Man, I didn't think this could've been more boring or exposition heavy than the last film. Part Three has a lot to with getting back on track here. I'm convinced DC hates their fans at this point.

Okay, here's the list of characters in this movie and it wastes ALL of them. Nothing of substance came from this that is meant for one of the biggest DC crossover events.

Batman Superman Supergirl Wonder Woman The Joker Batgirl Robin Nightwing Batman Beyond Hawkman John Stewart Blue Beetle Doctor Fate AND EVEN FREAKIN Constantine came back, thank god because his appearance saved me from the TV power button.

For those curious, just catch up on Young Justice if you haven't already. Not this.
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