Falling in Love in Niagara (2024 TV Movie)
Only Watched it for the Niagara Scenes.
23 April 2024
I only watched this movie for the scenes of the falls. What is interesting is she spent a week there when pretty much all the activities can be done in a couple of days three at the most if you want to rush it. The cable car ride is realistic there are times when you can get on it and you are the only one on it. What I don't understand is why they didn't do the journey behind the falls or check out Marineland. They also glossed over how long the lines can be and how long of a walk it is to the viewing area at the power plant. The best view of the falls is by doing Journey behind the Falls. Unless you go in winter or fall you will never find the area by the falls that deserted. I also don't think they used any real Canadians, there wasn't one "eh" said in the entire movie and not one scene of anyone eating gravy on fries. What sort of adventure doesn't include a helicopter ride. As far as the actual story is concerned, if you've watched a Hallmark movie before then you already know what is going to happen.
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