Falling in Love in Niagara (2024 TV Movie)
Great Travelogue YES- Great Rom/Com Movie NO
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly this Movie was a Semi Disappointment!

As a Travelogue for Niagara Falls it was Excellent. But as a Romantic Comedy Movie it was Extremely Disappointing. Personally, I found it Extremely Difficult to like, or even care about, any of the characters involved. I actually found the scenery of the Falls, as well as its Numerous Attractions, to be far more interesting than the actual Story Line of the Movie's Plot.

The Lead Actress, while Attractive and Perky at Times, unfortunately, allowed her personality and inept Decision Making to totally destroy her like ability as a character in the movie. Additionally, Neither of the Two Boyfriends, especially the Ex, were up to the challenge of saving this Totally Unrealistic and Uninteresting Film!! Capping it All Off with a Ridiculous, Unrealistic, and Obviously Rushed Ending Simply Cemented this Film's Destiny as an Absolute Mediocre Movie.
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