Three's Company: Diamond Jack (1982)
Season 7, Episode 3
Jack The Fence
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew an answering machine could cause so much trouble?

After the trio sets up a message for their new answering machine which has some funny moments, Jack is waiting for a call from a blind date Larry set up. Jack lets the call go to the answering machine and a lady leaves a message asking Jack to meet her at the Venice Roller Rink. Only it's a wrong number.

Off Jack goes to meet Rita at the roller rink. Jack thinks this is the blind date and Rita, who is a jewel thief, thinks Jack is a fence for her stolen diamonds. Rita is played by Tori Lysdahl, who you may remember from the episode "Mighy Mouth" in Season 4.

The comedic chaos begins. I won't spoil much more but...

Everyone knows John Ritter's prowess as a physical comedian. He puts on a terrific display on roller skates here. Obviously Jack can't skate. It priceless when Jack was trying to bring soft drinks to the table where Rita is sitting.

I nearly lost it when Jack asked Rita if she had enough "ice".

This episode is quite a bit of fun IMHO.
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