Quinton Ritchie Remakes the Guns of Navarone
20 April 2024
Guy Ritchie, usually good with London wide boys and gangsters, is terrible with Nazis and channeling Tarantino.

Watchable. Not a complete waste of money if seen at the bargain matinee.

Perhaps the worst movie score in several decades. Jarring. Loud for no reason. Ersatz Tarantino for no reason either.

The Magnificent Five (or was it six?) not magnificent nor 'kinda OK'.

Cruel killers specializing in killing young, fresh faced Nazis with knives. Neck thrusts mainly. But, one, two, three quick thrusts followed by gurgles and graphic death not uncommon. Very 'Inglorious'.,

For no plot related reason.

The actor who plays Reacher so over muscled that his steroid use will be problem as he ages and tries to act rather than just 'be' as scenery.

Best use of a bow and arrow since Fort Apache.

Worst use of a femme fatale since. Kate Capshaw.

Hard to imagine why it was green lit.

Not hard to imagine disastrous box office results.
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