Review of The Regime

The Regime (2024)
18 April 2024
Given the people involved, the fertile subject matter and the stellar cast, this should be a gem of a show, but sadly it's not.

At times it seems to be coming together as something interesting but it's trying to do too much - it's trying to be satirical, provocative, surreal, entertaining etc and it ends up as none of these. Probably most damaging of all, it's trying to be funny and when that falls flat, it's very difficult to care about the rest of it.

A common criticism of its critics appears to be that they don't understand the situation(s) it's trying to satirise, which is an odd take as that period of European political history is probably the most obvious thing about it - but whatever - it's an incredibly rich period for black comedy and cautionary tales, but unfortunately The Regime doesn't manage to capitalise on any of that.
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