Shockwaves (2022)
A disastrous disaster movie!
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well it has to be said, I've seen better acting at the local primary school. And as for special effects, someone emptying a bag of Maltesers for every rock fall was just astounding. I'm guessing the budget for this film was spent on the youth hostel where cast and crew stayed for the weekend during filming. The scenery was the best thing about this film, when it wasn't being covered in Maltesers. The giant Malteser squashing the guy on the hill was reminiscent of Monty Python. And how the heck did the phones work in such remote areas? I lose signal at the bottom of the garden. The woman who so readily gave up her car as she had had a good life (all 40 years of it) only to still be standing in the same spot hours later. And to be mown down by a car travelling at 20mph, driven by the lead characters wife. She screamed a good few seconds before the car was seen and made no attempt to move when it was. I think she'd given up the will to live after seeing how dire this film was. And after knocking her down they discuss wether or not to get out and help her. NO WE ONLY HAVE 50 MINUTES BEFORE THE EARTHQUAKE! So at this point you'd hightail it out of there with wheels screaming right? Not this bunch. They let the mum drive and she's thinking she's on the school run. In fact my granny drives faster after church on Sunday. They finally reach the bunker and the woman who's bunker it is can't praise the husband enough. To which his wife replies "I will". Made no sense at all, maybe she was rehearsing for another role. The bunker that was to be the safe place looked like a derelict factory. It was totally empty apart from a table and a huge TV screen on the wall. When the earthquake struck, all of 20 seconds the actors stood shuffling their feet and thrusting their hips was just comical. And when it was over two of the actors first reactions were to adjust their hair. When at the end, the bunker explodes, I'm guessing that was someone blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. The tiny flame licking around the doorframe gave it away. There was no sense of urgency at any time throughout the film. Not one character showed any emotion. Even when told of a death by boulder. And the two carjackers wearing ski masks, leaving a doll in the middle of the road. Where did they get the doll from? Where did they get the masks from? And why were they wearing them in the middle of nowhere? And why did he lock his car when he got out to see what was in the road? This film left more questions than answers. Mostly why did I waste my day off watching this when I could have watched my socks dry on the radiator.
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