Great concept, mediocre execution
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The whole concept of the plot is so good. It kept me engaged because the entire time I was glued to the screen trying to think of why Julius is protecting Nicole. After everything he's going through and what she did, I found myself waiting for this epic declaration of love and heavy emotional scene where he comes to some sort of revelation but it never came. I was thinking surely it's coming and left so disappointed when the end of the film crept up on me. I had to check the time stamp because I was like WAIT, that's the end?!

The flashbacks throughout the experiment was a nice touch. I felt that the scenes were basic, just enough to properly establish Julius and Nicole's relationship and get the audience to empathize but I felt that they needed to be fleshed out more. I found them kind of hollow and hoped that more time and effort would be put into establishing their backgrounds. However, I did love the trippy scenes through his flashbacks where they were meshing with reality. But, I felt like they could have been utilized so much more to establish the psychological aspect I assume the film was going for.

There were so many things that had me absolutely puzzled and I found many loose ends or poorly explained elements of the plot that left me wanting. Like what is the point of the experiments? Is the surgeon performing them alone because he's insane or is he a hand in some corrupt organization? What is his villain arch, like why is he insane and dedicating his life to this cause? Why is Julius so loyal to Nicole? Why did Nicole cheat on Julius? Why does she save him and defend him like she loves him but she hasn't been in contact with him after they separated? DID JULIUS LIVE?

Overall, the concept is good and it made me cry for Julius, imagining how he could find the willpower to protect someone who had hurt him so badly. But, I felt like the execution could've been better. I would recommend because I'm absolutely in love with the concept, though.
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