Review of Makta

Makta (2023–2024)
Humor and drama in same package
17 April 2024
An absolutely brilliantly done TV show! It has humour, intrigue and fascinating storyline. It looks like this show was made for an old film. The actors do a great job. My favourite was Reiulf, he was brilliant and hilarious.

The best thing for me about this TV show was the connection to real events, and Gro Harlem Bruntland's career was dealt with in a delightfully personal way. I hope Gro has seen the show and liked it. I find it hard to see how such a thing could be made any more interesting than Makta was. I don't know if this has anything to do with me being from Finland, but the humour in the series was really funny and subtle, maybe even unintentional in some situations. Because I have lived through that time, I remember many things like the music of Bobbysocks from the early 1980's that played in the fifth episode of the second season. It brought back good memories.

More like this, please.
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