A role to die for... or undie?
16 April 2024
I find no reason for the low ratings other than the respective viewers didn't like the flick.

Taking in account the low budget this is a true gem!

Sure, the minimalistic surroundings and makeup make much more sense after having seen the original 1922 Nosferatu.

Also, bear in mind, this is a movie about a theater play, so the setup is theatrical.

You just don't get shapeshifting CGI miscreants and moldy castle walls in a half a million budget.

Instead you have an amateur theater troupe making a school play, and they make do with what they have with flying colors.

Julie Kline really claims her fame here in the Scream Queens' Hall of Fame.

There is a decent amount of blood here, but die hard fans of the slasher genre may still expect more.

This is what you get for your buck and a half.

Explaining the deeper meaning of the gory deaths would just kill your imagination, just like in the original century old Nosferatu.

Dracula is evil and the evil here is Dracula, and you connect the dots.
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