Back to Black (2024)
Why? Watch Asif Kapadia's Amy.
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great cast; Marisa Abela is amazing (hence the 6). Eddie Marsen and Lesley Manville as brilliant as ever, and Jack O'Connell is too likeable (he can't help himself, so much charisma). Sam Taylor-Johnson has created more of a fairy tale than a true account of Amy's tragic life. In Asif Kapadia's "Amy" you literally get to see the real Amy, and also closer to why she self-destructed and joined the infamous "27-Club".

The line in "Amy" that encapsulated her mindset was to her best friend, after she had won the Grammy for album of the year (This is the biggest accolade in the music industry) She whispered to her friend "This is so boring without drugs." Bang! There you go. Why wasn't this in B2B? Why was her life reduced down to wanting to be a Mum, why was it strongly suggested that she drank herself to death after hearing of Blake's girlfriend having a baby? No she had demons, she was a drug addict an alcoholic. She needed to be off her face to deal with life.

B2B skirts around this and misses some crucial relationships and events and puts in pointless scenes (Girl in the off-license; "wish i was your mum" WTF. The duet with Tony Bennett and the 6 months (clean) in St. Lucia, her Dads own obsession with fame and so on!

Amy's life was not a love story. So why boil it down to this? Sorry this is a massive miss! Please watch the amazing docu-film "Amy".

Ps Marisa was amazing and her singing was spine-tingling at times.
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