Faraway (2023)
All very delightful to enjoy... .
14 April 2024
I love these simple romantic comedies and sugar water, light and warm... Deliciously perfect soundtrack as we marvel at a stupendous landscape (beautiful Croatia), a mature woman who from one day to the next decides to leave everything back in search of her mother's inheritance, and discovers that it goes far beyond just material goods, she rediscovers passion, lust, love of life and love of herself... All very delightful to enjoy... .

Zeynap Altin is at the end of her tether: she works far too much and is not valued at all by her husband, daughter and father. To make matters worse, the funeral home dressed her beloved late mother in a man's suit instead of her favorite dress. Enough is enough: Zeynep flees from Munich to the previously unknown holiday home on a Croatian island that her mother secretly bought years ago - with the hope of finding quiet, peace and herself there. If only the previous owner Josip, a rough islander, didn't still live on the same property and annoy her with his views and wisdom.
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