Bad Things (2023)
14 April 2024
Wow. Where do you start with such dribbly doodoo ?

This was beyond awful, way past boring , and most of all it was not worth watching.

Cheaply made, rank rotten acting , no storyline whatsoever, annoying characters and to put it bluntly it's badly made.

I read reviews saying it had potential, I strongly disagree, this was doomed before the casting was set , oh the casting........each and everyone in this pantomime is skin crawlingly annoying, obnoxious whiny woke self righteous demons.

The character "cal" had a voice like he should've blown his nose or at least waited till the flu had left his system before filming.

There is no story, no scares, its boring , it's meh, seriously do not bother with this utter guff.
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