If you want your biases confirmed - go for it!
14 April 2024
The War On Children (2024) is a documentary that seems to be more interested in pushing a particular narrative than in presenting a balanced view of its subject matter. It's a classic case of confirmation bias, serving up exactly the kind of content its target audience wants to hear, without challenging any preconceived notions or offering any new insights.

The film's approach is reminiscent of the sensationalist tactics often employed by certain media outlets, with its heavy reliance on fear-mongering and divisive rhetoric. It's a strategy that may appeal to some, but for those looking for a more nuanced and thoughtful exploration of the issues at hand, it leaves much to be desired.

In the end, The War On Children (2024) is a documentary that reflects the polarized state of our current discourse. It's a film that will likely resonate with viewers who share its worldview, but for those hoping for a more balanced and objective analysis, it may prove to be a disappointing watch.
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