Mostly bad
14 April 2024
The deluge of guest stars tells me that this show doesn't suffer from a lack of talent on a weekly basis, it suffers (heavily) from poor writing. Bottom line, the jokes are mostly just not funny. Bland. Safe.

Take this week's opener. Giving "high school jock who realizes her best days are behind her" vibes, Kate McKinnon pops by for yet another take on the alien abducted lesbian. Every version of this skit is identical. Woman gives "funny" names for her vagina and butt. That's the whole bit. As a side note, this is Kate's 3rd or 4th visit this season. Why did she even bother to leave?

The rest of the episode consisted of a lot of "breaking". Let me let you in on a little SNL secret: The breaking is on purpose. Jimmy Fallon had an old trick that if a skit was bombing, "fake break" to make it better. This entire episode was just break after break. One skit it made sense, the rest it just grew very tired and stale quickly the more it happened.

Loren Michaels just does not trust this new cast. So much airtime is given to guest stars, like he doesn't trust his own cast to be able to do the job well. Watch the goodnight part and you'll see them in the far rear, waving like "Hey remember us...the cast?"
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