Not jumping the negativity bandwagon, but...
14 April 2024
This documentary is a little without substance, the acting is poor, the screenplay is thin, there's no spontaneity, everything sounds fake and not genuine. It can be skipped without giving you major FOMO. It's not a great fun film to watch and there's not much to take away from it either. The title seems made up as well and has little to do with the contents. Perhaps it was chosen to lure women who are into love stories. But it doesn't make justice to the contents, it's a bit fake and nothing in this film sounds very spontaneous to be honest. One great example is the scene where J Lo claims that she used to run up and down the block with a messy hair when she was 16 (for which J Lo was exposed). Her hair was actually pretty neat in a school picture she took at the time. The school was also not exactly a school for not haves, the premises were literally a mansion, and tuition ran at about $12K a year per some estimates and testimonies. Girls were not the excluded low class type, it was an all-girls school and I assume none had to work for a living based on their good looks. The bad tongues have that J Lo leveraged that urban legend portrayed in her Jenny from the Block hit as way to garner more fame and popularity, but the story is far from truth in actuality (she was never humble). Now, should I be bashing this film? I don't know, but maybe the fact that J Lo has so many horror stories about how she treats people who she deems beneath her will make me feel less guilty.
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