Disappointing Heinz Erhardt formula rom-com
13 April 2024
The usual suspects in yet another predictable musical comedy about a Southern Holiday with even more predictable complications. Unlike other typical such low-budget Wirtschaftswunder films starring Germany's #1 Comic of his time, this one is likely the one with the most shallow and disappointing plot.

Vivi Bach does her obligatory little song, Heinz Erhard cracks a few forgettable one-liners, Chris "Mr. Pumpernickel" Howland is doing another imitation of himself, and the also-rans are along for the bumpy ride to (seemingly) nowhere. If the story of a vacation trip to Italy, won in a cheesy talent contest, and organized by a troupe of happy-go-lucky (and notoriously broke) young musicians, won't hold your attention, then perhaps the nauseatingly repetitive instrumental tune of "Happy Jose" will do the trick?

The 2 extra stars (if 1 is the lowest rating) are for the vibrant colors and the familiar faces of Germany's Golden Age of Entertainment. Sorry, but other than that, there is nothing positive to say about this movie. My suggestion: Skip this silly yarn and save your time for something, ANYTHING, else to watch!
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