Awful all around
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not one good redeeming quality. Bad movie / choppy script / horrible acting. Like an ABC afterschool made for TV movie. Glad it ended. The movie has a nice feel good story / idea, yet it fails on every level. Why did "Rudy" coach part time? Why did the main coach leave? Why did a bad - give up player suddenly do good? Why - why - why? Since it was a small town, should have outlawed dancing and have the new kid ( from Chicago ) fight the school to have a prom. This movie really makes no sense. There was no excitment for the team or love for this small town. It tries to be dramatic and fails at every chance. Take 3 or 4 goos stories movies about a feel good winning team and mash them together and you get this.
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