Stylish, fast paced but too self aware.
12 April 2024
On the one hand then you have quite a stylish fast paced movie that explores quite an interesting subject. I have to say the film held my attention well while I was watching it. The film is also pretty well edited and is also fine in terms of production design, costumes and makeup, it manages to feel both modern and yet have a slightly retro feel to it too. The weakest aspect of the film is probably it's dialogue which is generally quite weak and forgettable, two characters in particular are awful and sound like a couple of 14 year olds not characters in their late 20s. The cast is quite big but that wasn't necessarily a problem. What did slightly take me out of the film though was the way each character needed to have this big dramatic origin story which it spends quite some time going back into. Reality isn't really like this and it felt a touch too superhero which is probably the demographic they are going for. At least though nothing too outlandish happens in the film itself, though one part in which the FBI are deceived felt a bit far fetched. All in all it's quite stylish again and well meant but there's also a few bits too which do make you groan. Also the music and overall look is starting to get a bit overdone now and the Stranger Things style is getting a bit samey.
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