Hannibal: Apéritif (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
A great appetizer!
12 April 2024
This was an artistic, delicious start to this show, which I always felt was underrated as not enough are watching it or talking about it!

The introduction to the characters were great, as well as the premise! There is a lot happening and a lot to take in at first, but it never feels to much! By the end, you know exactly what you need to know!

Hugh Dancy is great as Will, with abbilities that will make this show very interesting moving forward!

Mads Mikkelsen absolutely nails it as Hannibal! His Chemistry with Dancy is what carries the show for me! Hannibal is in control from the start and you never quite know what to expect from him when he serves you food..

I love the artistic style of the show! It is no stranger to gore and disturbing scenes, amd it is always presented in a hauntimg, yet captivating way!

Amazing direction and camera work! This show has its unique style that really makes you feel like you watch something by Brian Fuller, and not a studie!
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