Review of Jinaal

Star Trek: Discovery: Jinaal (2024)
Season 5, Episode 3
Let's talk about feelings for an hour and then call it Star Trek
12 April 2024
This episode is a masterpiece of boredom. One certainly has to have a lot of practice and creativity as an author to write a 55 minute episode in which absolutely nothing happens and then even receive money to stage this non-action on film. In the end, as a viewer, you wonder if you shouldn't have spent those 55 minutes for ANYTHING other than wasting them on this episode.

When Adira announced Trill as the location for the next clue in the last episode, I feared the worst: Gray. And of course you're not spared the infantile conversation between Adira and Gray, where after a while you don't know whether you should either look away from the screen in disbelief or click fast forward a few times. You ask yourself whether you're actually watching science fiction and Star Trek, or whether you've accidentally opened a teenager's diary and just happened to come across the page about heartbreak and first love.

The entire episode, from start to finish, is a collection of relationship problems and emotional hysteria (especially from Tilly). It starts with bickering between Burnham and Booker, then Adira and Gray realize that a long-distance relationship doesn't work for them, Saru acts like a wimp again and is unsure whether his engagement was the right move... and of course Tilly, whose idea of professionalism as an officer on a spaceship is to fraternize with the crew and have a few cocktails at the bar. Because everything that has anything to do with a mission is carried out by Burnham and Booker alone anyway. And since the board computer does the rest of the work, the crew has nothing to do except gossip and talk about relationship problems. During the scene where Burnham introduces her bridge crew to Rayner, I thought to myself, "Who are all these people who have never been noticed before?" DIS is the only Star Trek series in which the entire bridge crew consists of extras who are just decoration so that the bridge doesn't look so empty.

The fifth season could have been a cross between Indiana Jones and National Treasure. In space. With sophisticated puzzles, peppered with all sorts of traps and futuristic technology. Instead, we get to witness a kind of slow-motion couples therapy that somehow managed to get a Star Trek stamp on it. I really wonder why a fifth season was even produced. This whole scavenger hunt has nothing to do with what has happened so far anyway. The fact that there is apparently even a spin-off in the works with Tilly as an instructor at the academy far exceeds my worst fears and imagination.

One star for Rayner, who at least initially put Tilly in her place. Tilly has always been a huge PITA, but this season she seems to have made it her mission to annoy all the show's "haters" (aka real Star Trek fans) even more.
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