The Tearsmith (2024)
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its literally the worst movie I have seen in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of romance movies but this one... It didn't have any normal plot, the actors were good-looking, but that was all. Maybe if they had made a TV series, this wouldn't be so bad because I can see a bit of potential in the scenario, but now there was a feeling that the whole story was hastily arranged, so it just made me laugh at how unrealistic and awkward it all seemed. For example Lionel, they went for ice cream, never had a meaningful conversation (actually no one did in the whole movie), didn't talk for days, and he comes to her one day saying he can't forget her, and, cherry on top, he wants to rape her??? Hmm... Overall, if I were able to do that, I would give it zero stars and ask to give me back my time because i could've spent it watching any other movie. TERRIBLE.
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