Review of Jinaal

Star Trek: Discovery: Jinaal (2024)
Season 5, Episode 3
11 April 2024
The final season of Star Trek: Discovery should be going out with all thrusters blazing.

It is a shame that after a promising opening two episodes. This is a safe listless episode with the A, B and a C plot.

It was a bit of a snoozefest. T'Rina and Saru's bump in their relationship before officially announcing their engagement. The president marrying a non Vulcan or Romulan might cause waves. It seems T'Rina and Saru never discussed the implications of their cross species relationship.

The new First Officer Rayner wanting to spend 20 seconds to get to know his new crew. He was essentially being a Captain Jellico lite.

Even Burnham's and Book's quest in the planet of the Trill's only livened up when they got chased by the Itronoks.

A glacial pace but the biggest problem. It wanted to be like a Star Trek: TNG episode of the late 1980s. Discovery should be following its own course.
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