I Woke Up a Vampire (2023– )
This is a KIDS show
9 April 2024
I just started watching this and it's a pretty ok show. I like to watch shows and movies before I let my nieces and nephew watch something and so far, this is a show I'd be ok with them watching. It inspires imagination, embracing who you are, and the importance of friendship. I've read the critics of everyone saying how terrible this is and people need to remember 2 things: 1) this is a KIDS show made for KIDS and 2) not everyone is going to have the same opinion and like everything. There are way worse things kids COULD BE watching instead of this. I haven't read a review saying "my kid thinks" so leave this show alone. As adults, we are going to have a different view point. I loved "a land before time" as a child and let my nieces and nephew watched it and I only made it 5 mins into the movie before I was apologizing to my mom over how awful it is to an adult and couldn't watch it but it is a great KIDS movie. Yes the main character is over the top with energy and makes bad decisions and this show is super predictable but so what? I'm a daycare teacher and I see kids all the time with just as much or more energy. It's part of being a kid. And the bad decisions? Everyone needs to make them to grow and become who we are today. So as a KIDS show made for KIDS, this is a great show so far I wouldn't mind playing.
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