Review of Suze

Suze (2023)
A warm hug I really needed
9 April 2024
This was so freaking adorable. Like a cuddly warm hug, it made me laugh so hard at times, the script is so fun and fresh, but it also made me cry a lot because damn I've been there, I suffer from depression and I felt like Gage before and Charlie's acting threw me off that water tower, so damn good, so raw, I felt it all, damn the boy can act and damn the boy can SING, literal chills, he manages to portray this character in a way that's so beautiful to see, so real. And how sweet is the relationship between the two of them, they needed each other and they didn't even know it, some connections are just the magic we need, the little push we need when we're in the depth of darkness, that kind of mutual understanding and love that makes you want to keep going. So special. I want that. Sweet sweet. Loved it. It's what movies should do.
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