The Venture Bros.: Red Means Stop (2016)
Season 6, Episode 8
Season Six Review
9 April 2024
Powering straight on into season six of "The Venture Brothers" these are the last episodes that I've seen before, with the final season and the movie being entirely new to me. This season, more than almost any other, show the commitment to change within the show, with new venues, new characters and new scenarios.

The death of Jonas Jnr sees Rusty (James Urbaniak) inherit his thriving business. The Venture's move to his New York skyscraper and Rusty's new increased profile sees Brock (Patrick Warburton) reinstated as the family bodyguard. The Monarch (Chris McCulloch) has also relocated to New York, to his childhood mansion, that's in need of quite a bit of work. With Doctor Mrs. The Monarch (Doc Hammer) now a key member of the Council, she is away quite a bit. The Monarch and 21 (Doc Hammer) discover that his father was previously a minor superhero, Blue Morpho. They reinstate the character, and his chauffeur Kato, but specifically target the villains who are between The Monarch and his old arch enemy.

Unfortunately, the move from the compound sees the departure of several characters. Dermott is perhaps the biggest loss along with Baron Orpheus and his Triad team. The Investors and Killinger appear to have finished their story, as have the rest of the Revenge Society, with only Phantom Limb returning to play a role in this run. Wide Wale is the most integral new character, a character based on Wilson Fisk, though also a mutated whale. He joins the council, lives opposite the new Venture Building and has a daughter Sirena, who Hank falls for.

Visually it's still as strong as it ever was. There are still a load of jokes and references to movies, comics, and music. The performances are excellent, Clancy Brown joins the cast in the final episode as the legendary Red Death, a version of the Red Skull who balances his dark tendencies with a warm and friendly home like.

I still love it. It's genuinely one of my all-time favourite shows and I can't wait to see how the well the final episodes go.
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