A sadistic theater director might just be murderer.
7 April 2024
"Theatre of Death" is set in Paris, though all the accents are British and I have no idea why they just didn't say the story was set in London. Regardless, much of the action takes place in a weird avant garde theater where all sorts of frightful stories are reenacted.

The director of this company, Philippe Darvas (Christopher Lee) is an odd guy. He demands realism...and is also quite the sadist in how he treats people. However, towards one of the young women in the company, he's like a Svengali...hypnotizing her into great performances.

At the same time, several bodies have turned up around the city...and all were killed in the same way. It's as if someone is trying to imitate vampires...and the bodies have all been found drained of blood and with knife wounds to the base of the neck! Could this man or his actors be behind all this violence?

Overall, this is a very good and creepy story. My only complaint, and it's a small one, is that the ending was drug out too long...though I did like the way the killer finally met their fate. Worth seeing.
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