A beautiful French love story or a beautiful French musical of the sixties
7 April 2024
Musical, melodrama. I finally got to this, without a doubt, iconic picture and classics of French cinema, and even in the genre of "musical" (which I really love). Moreover, this year (2024) this picture has an anniversary - sixty years. And you know what? Even after so many years after its release, the picture remains very popular. And after watching it, I can say with confidence that it is absolutely deserved! She made a strong impression on me. And here's my brief opinion - A wonderful French musical of the sixties. Despite my delight, there were both pros and cons in the picture, which must certainly be told. Moreover, this picture is the forerunner of the magnificent musical "La La Land" (which I love with all my heart and periodically review). And this should end the much-needed introduction and move on to the interesting.

So, the pros: 1. The scenario - the picture tells us the love story of Guillaume the car mechanic and Genevieve the umbrella saleswoman, who passionately love each other and want to tie the knot, but the relatives of the lovers are not very happy about this, especially Genevieve's mother. The girl just manages to confess her feelings to her mother, as Guillaume reports the terrible news - he is being taken to the army, and straight to the front in Algeria (where the anti-colonial war of independence, which lasted from 1954 to 1962, is in full swing. Long live free Algeria!). Separation is difficult for the beautiful Genevieve, and then a respectable young man appears, whom my mother insists on. What will Genevieve choose? Feelings for Guillaume or a respectable young man? Yes, the script is simple and contains almost no intrigue. He just shows and tells a love story in the scenery of France in the second half of the fifties. Moreover, all the characters in the picture sing their lines. As such, there are no conversations here, which is why the picture is remembered. This story will appeal to both men and the beautiful half of humanity. The actors were superbly chosen for the roles. You believe them, although you can see that there is a lot of theatricality here, but you can put up with it.

2. Aesthetics - the picture is very bright and literally full of all the colors of the rainbow. Even the peeling entrance of the house where Guillaume lives also oozes this very brightness. Magnificent costumes, various decorations - it's a feast for the eyes and ears. It is clearly visible where Damien Chazelle drew inspiration for his magnificent painting "La La Land".

3. Music - my greatest respect to the French composer Michel Legrand for creating great music for this painting. How many feelings! How many emotions! And the composer was able to fit all this into literally several compositions, which, after familiarization, can never be forgotten. The title theme is especially beautiful.

4. The final - I will say right away - I am against the final choice of Genevieve, but at the same time it is presented in such a way that you can practically put up with it. Because life is life, and it very often makes its own adjustments to people's plans. Yes, those who watched "La La Land" will immediately guess what I'm talking about. Personally, I don't mind such finals (even in La La Land I agreed with him, and even wept at the injustice of what had happened).

So, the cons: 1. Genevieve's pregnancy - I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe in this circumstance, because in the picture it was clearly visible that this girl was very modest, and Guillaume, before marrying her, did not shine to be you know where and you know what. Of course, her pregnancy strongly affects the scenario, but still this circumstance looks implausible.

2. Guillaume's misfortune - this young guy did not deserve what happened to him upon his return to France. He fought in Algeria for two years, was wounded, was treated in a hospital, and when he arrived home, he learns what he learns. Yes, after that, if I were in his place, I don't know what I would do. At least he was angry at the cause of his misfortune. Yes, the picture will show his tossing and his grief, but too gently and very theatrically.

A little bit about the main characters: 1. Genevieve, performed by Paintings by Deneuve, is a young umbrella saleswoman who works in her mother's store and meets with Guillaume, an auto mechanic, whom she loves very much, but life makes its own adjustments to the feelings of lovers. Of course, the paintings do not look like a sixteen-year-old girl in any way (as she appears in the script of the picture), but even this circumstance does not prevent you from enjoying the magnificent acting. This is how the "spark" feels between the characters. Feelings and passion are visible to the naked eye here. The young painting is just pleasing to the eye.

2. Guillaume, performed by Nino Castelnuovo, is an auto mechanic, an ordinary proletarian, in love with an umbrella saleswoman, who cannot live without her. It's a difficult path, after all, first love is a special feeling, but life is completely different. Nino was extremely convincing in this role. I felt even more for him than for Genevieve. Maybe because I'm a man, or maybe everything is so obvious from the script!

As already mentioned, I am against the final choice, but the finale of the picture still pleases the viewer and gives hope for the best, and even with great music.

The film won many awards (including the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film). She has a lot of fans and is still popular, which means that the picture has passed the test of time with confidence. That's how you need to make high-quality movies, not the way they do it now.

My rating is 9 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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