Review of Ripley

Ripley (2024)
Cinematically Stunning!
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a fantastic decision to film "Ripley" in crisp, sumptuous black & white. Not only does it lend to the period of 1960s Italy, it intensifies the moodiness and tension of the piece.

"The Takented Mr Ripley" in gorgeous technicolor is one of my top 25 favorite films. I love everything about the film. I am glad the series differentiates itself by doing the opposite in black & white. It works!

Likewise, the "Ripley" Netflix series will be a treat for anyone who enjoys noir. The casting and script are top notch. Andrew Scott's neurotic psychopath is almost sympathetic when he is ridiculed by his "betters." But when he is backed into a corner, watch out. He's pretty calm and cool during his rampages and during interrogations. Always one step ahead.

The actor who plays Freddie is a surprising choice. But then who can compare to Philip Seymour Hoffman's Freddie? Still this Freddie does a good job in playing self satisfied and obnoxious. Never let it slip that you think a killer is a killer if you don't have the police with you.

Marge played by Dakota Fanning gives us a different Marge. She never warmed to Ripley even from the start. My heart breaks for her. She knows deep down Dickie would never treat her this way by choice.

The inspector is great. What a transformation from what the actor really looks like. Who would have guessed he could disappear into this character?

Johnny Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf plays it with all the confidence of a rich kid used to having the best. It's horrible the way he meets his maker. He's been smart up to now. What was he thinking? But then who thinks their friend is a psycho?

This series is a joy to watch. Each cinematic frame so beautifully composed. The direction superb. This is art.
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