Why does this episode feel cheap?
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the solid second half of the season, particularly last episode, this season finale is such a letdown. You have the impressive cast, you have the atmosphere, you have the plot in motion...just keep it going! If you want to make a second and third season, fine, throw 1-2 bigger things in, although I do believe this would have worked really well as limited series, maybe 10 episodes, of even 8.

However, what you should NOT do is make this a standard low budget sci-fi/horror mix. What I really enjoyed about the characters is that they acted smart so far, mostly. It made it feel like they were constantly adapting, learning new things, moving forward. Suddenly, Jo, and Henry Caldera are as stupid as they come. Henry knows what happened, even if how it happened is unexplained...and yet he is babbling about not being the same person, asking for DNA tests (even though it is very likely they share a DNA, just like everything else) and acting like a lunatic...instead of playing his cards smart. A Nobel Laureate is telling random people that he is a totally different person...from someone who is a carbon copy of him, when they know Caldera does not have a brother.

Jo at the same time is in a place that looks and feels like mental hospital, yet her strategy is to tell the people in charge...she can smell her real daughter and the one with her was not real. Of course, that would get you out in no time. Her daughter was also talking about the same stuff...but she is an 11 year old kid, kinda more justified from her.

Bud Caldera is one of the most boring, one-dimensional villains they could find. Like, villains are supposed to have an agenda, some strong qualities, anything. He is sad, drunk, angry, obnoxious, homicidal. No redeeming qualities, no duality, no gray areas, just pure psychopath. We get that he suffered during Apollo 18, but he is like complete opposite of Henry, and his goals and aim is to...just drink, be sexist, destroy lives and be a pain. Could have put more effort in him. Also, how did everyone...forget about him at the cabin? He traveled with the rest, yet he was left in the snow for hours (and no hypothermia/frostbite...) while everyone...left.

I don't have much hope for season 2, if this is how they set the tone for it. This would be a gigantic waste of great premise and a good cast. I really hope if there is season 2, that they set the tone right from episode 1, it would be the only way to salvage it.
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