The Signal (2024)
Give me a break
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The ending of this series was so contrived I seriously felt like it was an April Fool's joke. No one could have seriously thought this was in any remote way possible. They took the plotline from Star Trek: The Motion Picture and dumbed it down so far I was literally stunned. First of all, there are no dead zones in orbit any more. Second, Voyager didn't broadcast, it sends dots and bleeps. Thirdly, everyone knows Veeger, er Voyager would have burned up in re-rentry. Thirdly, there was no reason for the billionaire to kill her only connection to the coordinates of the landing. Fourthly, about one million people would have seen Voyager returning to Earth. Fifthly, the only thing the "alien" told her, for three months, was "hello"? And from that decided to tell the world? And no one she talked to questioned that? It just keeps getting worse and worse. Don't watch this. You'll hate yourself if you watch the entire thing.
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