The Tearsmith (2024)
Don't give it any view. Probably the worst movie in 2024 so far
4 April 2024
I haven't read the book, so I can't say anything about it, but everything in the plot is predictable and obvious since the beginning, scene by scene, the acting is unbelievable bad, sooooo bad I'm actually shocked they made it to the final cut, the actors have no diction in Italian and everything is constantly whispered, the lead female actress just can't act, she was the worst, followed by the lead male actor (who is a singer, so I understand why acting is not his strength), the director's choices are nonsense in every scene, the script and the lines are so terrible that you end up giggling and wondering. At one point new characters are introduced and you don't know who they are until the end of the scene. There is one scene (no spoiler because it's useless to the plot) where the parents are stuck in the traffic and it's evening. When the traffic is over and the parents are back home, it's morning and everyone is cool with that and having spent the night in the car waiting for the cars to move. This made me laugh a lot, so thank you for that!

The only actress I would save in this is the girl playing Adeline.
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