A Sucker for Soccer (just because it goes well, but its football)
4 April 2024
Though it's a Netflix feature and something that looks like a mediocre and small-time movie, I was curious. I've noticed that Bill Nighy as one of the leads and a story about the homeless world cup and I was already all in.

I almost thought that maybe they will tell the story of Bebe - the homeless that made it to Fergie's united, but it was like they took his story and many other stories of such as like him and stuffed them into one movie. This is an accurate description of this piece. The plot is predictable, the end and twists and turns also and the best thing about it - football and a lot of heart.

It's the same old story of an outsider that uses his talent to get in, but doesn't let himself to actually get in. It's a beautiful story about this beautiful sport and its almost gets you excited, but not actually. Its funny, to stupid sometimes and it has a lot of heart, but it doesn't align with greater football movies.

Bill Nighy is good, as always. Valeria Golino gets a small cut in this movie and Michael Word (which I've discovered at the first time in "Empire of Light") with an un-even acting display, gets his chance to lead a small-time movie and doesn't gives us a reason to remember him (last time, when he collaborated with Olivia Colman he was much better).
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