Le Horror du Silence
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We watched with such glee the later Cousteau's of the 80's from our thrift find dvd boxset. Each night an episode, until the last dvd we realized that it was not an episode but the movie!

And as the movie progressed we watched with lot's of uneasy questionmarks (all of the harrasing and destroying) and finally we just watched with plain horror (all of the slaughtering)...as the other reviewers have described the scenes, it is insane to witness this. What was this man doing that we watched with such pleasure..? Our scientist and animal/nature-lover was not so scientificy and not so lovingly to say the least! We were dumbstruck. How a man can change? From bombing a reef to making sure his anchor is not going to damage or hit the reef in any way.

People say: "You have to see it in that time". Or that it still serves education, that is true in a way. It really shows how dumb we were back then. I think we had enough Cousteau's for now.
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