3 Body Problem: Judgment Day (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Phenomenal Show; horrendously written episode.
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to fathom that this is the highest rated episode when it is by far the least intelligently written of the 5 so far.

Let me absolutely get this straight - a surgical special ops attack on the ship is magically not feasible, but melting the ENTIRE ship using some of the most advanced technology on Earth makes perfect sense? Surely this approach won't dematerialize the crucial and sensitive data contained within (120 PB OF DATA NO LESS)? Which genius team of writers came up with this idea to pigeonhole the story JUST so they can justify a cool illogical CGI scene for the sake of CGI?

The data of course magically survives, found in an impossible pile of rubble, and is quickly accessed because the aliens "let us open it".

Then the alien AI (or dumbass unexplained entity) reveals their entire plan to stop human science? Great plan. Tell the enemy everything! Advanced civilizations are just as vain as humans and love to rub it in, apparently. They're pretty cocky for a species who openly admits humans would surpass them in 400 years - essentially conceding that our technological advancement trajectory would outpace their travel time. It's either impressive and they respect us, the enemy, and not reveal anything. Or we're unimpressive, and they have nothing to worry about. Pick a lane. I've met more intelligent high school bullies.

No matter, they are confident they'll cripple our science and that we have no chance in figuring out how to stop them from doing so, despite them just increasing our odds of success by a billion BY TELLING US THEIR WHOLE PLAN. Humans aren't even this stupid, let alone an advanced civilization. Knowing us, we'd thwart their plan to "destroy our science" in a record 100 years, with 300 to spare, because our enemies are dumbasses.

"We have the technology to unfold them. We summon energies you cannot imagine, and focus them on a single proton. When we unfold its higher dimensions, even a tiny proton becomes something very large indeed".

Great - get to work then idiots and fix your own problems? Earth shouldn't be of any interest if you're so advanced and can afford to brag.

In the hands of skilled writers, crippling our science is a brilliant concept. Not here though!

This show could be a game changer but piss poor writing strikes yet again. A genuine disappointment.
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