3 Body Problem: The Stars Our Destination (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Auggie Salazar is indeed a Netflix creation, she is so bad I feel bad for the actress.
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From the same person that corrected Jin remarks on a neurologist's pronouns that make zero difference in any plot, or sub-plot, in the story, we now have her calling Wade a "fascist". Where exactly was Wade fascist in the story so far? I would understand if she called him a wanna-be dictator, or even a tyrant if you want to be more philosophical. Besides Netflix's agenda, Auggie has no reason to call Wade a fascist, there's just no elements shown so far for anyone make this comparison, unless you are a person that waters down the meaning of "fascist", rendering the meaning of the word also diluted, hence not "fascist" anymore.

Auggie, in her insufferableness, talks to Jin about Raj's work as if he is supposed to talk to her about classified matters, or better yet, as if Auggie is supposed to talk about those same classified matters with her. A classic example of a smart person being written by dumb people.

Also, can Will's character be anything better than just "oh no I have cancer" and "I love Jin, but I can't confess"?
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