Somewhere in Europa.
31 March 2024
An excellent doc in which Romy Schneider tries to come to terms with her somber past : her mother who was Hitler's friend (and maybe more) ;many color archive films are included ; the shady relationship with Magda Schneider's second husband .The stranglehold both had on the young girl till she turned down an one million marks fee to shoot a fourth "Sissi" ; Alice Schwarzer reminds us of the prominent part the Sissi trilogy played for a defeated country , trying to make the world forget an awful past .

A long part of the movie is given to her affair with Alain Delon ,which ,after she turned her back from "Sissi" was her second act of rebellion ; Germany never really forgave her and in the seventies she was considered a French star !

Miss Schwarzer bases her film on a recorded interview with Romy in Kôln ,1976,now in French ,now in German ; sometimes her voice falters and she asks the journalist to switch off her recorder .

A must for the actress' fans.
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