Well Presented, But With A Lot of Bias
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can remember reading about Casolaro & the unfolding PROMIS software case back in the 1990s. This documentary presents the info well enough but it seems to have already made up its mind as to Casolaro's death & whether there's a conspiracy within the first 2 minutes of the first episode. It doesn't seem very balanced.

The segment with Riconosciuto was unnecessarily dramatic & felt staged.

The 2 filmmakers here are too connected to the story to be unbiased and where they might be good at laying out the case for a conspiracy, they offer no evidence whatsoever.

Danny Casolaro's story is worth being told. He can serve as a warning to other up & coming investigative reporters. Casolaro became obsessed.with the story he was working on and even in the face of underwhelming evidence for his claims, he tried to hammer a square peg into a round hole. And what about his health & the facts about his "publisher."

This is a tragic story about obsession and about some definite wrong-doings (the Justice Dep't & PROMIS software) that needs to be told, but perhaps these weren't the right 2 filmmakers to tell this story.
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