Robot Dreams (2023)
A very bittersweet movie.
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Im not lying when I saw I have not cried this much during a movie sense Barbie. The animation was nice, you could tell what the characters were feeling even without words, and the ending left me feeling sad and happy at the same time.

I don't really get the people rating the movie lower because it didn't end with the two main characters seeing each other again. Just because this is an animated film, it does NOT mean a story writer has to water down reality. And the reality is, sometimes friendships, and even relationships, just don't work out. But you can still be happy. And even with the sadness of a friendship broken, they're both happy in the end so I don't see peoples anger. But, to each their own I guess.

Love this movie and I'm so glad it was nominated for an Oscar, and just glad animation is being recognized as something to be enjoyed by all ages in general.
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