Fantasyland, not smart and witty
30 March 2024
What I liked. Seeing Bhutan. It's very beautiful, at least through the lens of the cinematographer for this movie.

What I didn't like is the "message". It seems there's supposed to be some lesson. Lessons like "Why do we need elections? All they cause is arguing and hate. We should just go back to having a King and forgetting about who makes the rules and what those rules are as we'd all be happier"

This only works if everyone is the same culture, same religion, same values. So apparently viewers buying into this message have something in common with white supremacists who push for such a situation where they push out diversity and inclusiveness because if you're a homogeneous monoculture/religion/race then, in general, everyone gets along.

As an example, homosexuality was illegal in Bhutan until 2021 (this movie is supposed to be taking place in 2006). So yea, if you wanted someone to represent LGBT rights but followed the message of this movie you'd never get them.

I don't consider myself either right or left but my gut says the people who love this movie are on the left and yet the message is about as far to the right as is possible. Just do whatever makes everyone happy! Yea, except that only works if everyone has the same things that make them happy and that only happens in monocultures.
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