30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While this was clearly better than the first film objectively given it had a considerably bigger budget and more of an actual story, it was still really disappointing, having tried too hard and ended up being pretty contrived and cliched.

The retconning the original into a film-within-a-film was just a cop out, simply because they were too ashamed to admit their mistake of the critical failure that the last film was, and thought it would be funny to go down the self-depreciation route, which just came across and stupid and desperate. I mean if you're going to improve on something at least admit your mistake first. It made no sense to make the original into a film within a film, given that said original film was based off real events that actually happened in the 100 acre wood, with the only reason they made the original a film within a film of this universe being so they could justify the drastically different costume designs and different actor for Christopher Robin who also was drastically different from the previous one. But given that this film picked up where the last film left off, it would have made more sense to keep last year's film real, having just made it more confusing and convoluted making it into a film within a film.

What really annoyed me most of all though was the shoehorned love interest that was simply just not neccessary. I mean her role could have easily been given to his male friend or a family member, and the shoehorned love interests is something that just really annoys me more than anything about films now. However, what annoys me most of all is the fact Christopher's obvious, implied love interest here being a frigging Barbie, being drop dead gorgeous and stunning, just like him, which is something I am sick of seeing in films and everywhere, couples who are just as stunning as each other, and look like models even when there is no need for them too, other than to just make the film look more attractive. What particularly annoyed me all the more is that of course this drop-dead gorgeous, glamorous Lexy who looked like a frigging Barbie to Christopher's Ken, was of course the only character other than Christopher and his little sister to survive of course. It was like they just had her simply so they could have a final girl and of course glamourous love interest of Chris's. Going down the romance route (even if nothing was confirmed) was just very cliched, as it could have easily been just Christopher and his sister left by the end of the film after killing Tigger and Pooh, or like I say there could have been anyone else in her place like his male friend (who unlike her was killed off of course and got less screen time because of course he's not a glamourous barbie girl) or his mum or dad, giving more of a friendship/family focus, like why does everything have to be about romance?! Also, Lexy being one of the few people who stays by Chris's side and the only character outside of Chris and his sister to survive, as well as having actually been able to kill Tigger, and painted as such a nice, kind, caring friend as well as having been gorgeous, looking like a frigging barbie, just made her come off as a Mary Sue to me. It just all came across as really cliched to me, and they could have easily gone down a more unusual route, but no, there always has to be a glamorous, gorgeous love interest to the also very attractive lead.

Overally, it just felt like it tried too hard to be "cool" and changed too much from the original which even with the movie within a movie didn't make sense, such as the crossbreeds having been revealed to actually be somewhat evil when they first befriended Chris, which contradicted the original's opening of how Chris leaving them triggered them to be evil, which just changed the lore entirely. I mean it ended up undermining their original motive. It just felt like it tried too hard, and came off as pretty desperate, with too many inconsistencies, with Chris having been able to kill both Tigger and Pooh like that almost at once having undermined the concept of challenge and struggle that was shown in the previous film were Pooh is clearly really hard to kill. I'm not giving credit to the previous film by any means, just realising that there are inconsistencies and that killing these creatures suddenly seemed so much easier than it originally had been, even if they were going to come back to life, with only one of the villains having survived by the end. It at least would have made sense if they had been killed by all different people, but with Chris having killed both Tigger and Pooh, who are the most brutal of the bunch (with of course the help of his beautiful, girl next door love interest) just seemed a bit ridiculous to me.

Also Tigger just appearing only in the third act, in the nightclub scene seemed a bit weird rather than introducing him with the rest of the gang of villains.

I think I have to admit that most most infuriating part of this film for me was the gorgeous, glamourous, barbie love interest that was shoehorned in, having gone down a really cliched route, which was totally unneccessary, with Lexy having only been there to serve as that very typical love interest/girl next door role, as well as coming off as a Mary Sue, suddenly being capable of killing the most brutal of the hybrids and being the only character to survive of course, other than Chris and his sister. I am so sick of seeing couples who are just as gorgeous and glamourous as each other too-it's like it was just to make it more hollywood-like, and is all superficial too of course. This is just my personal opinion of course, but it is still really annoying and ridiculous.
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