This Is Us: One Giant Leap (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
Rating the Nicky half of it a 5, ZERO for borefest Deja
29 March 2024
As unrealistic as it probably was, the Nicky portion of the episode was great. His character has developed and I love the friendship that has blossomed between him, Rebecca and Miguel. It's not unimaginable for people, even those content with their lives, to think "What could have been?" It was also nice to finally see Rebecca taking Miguel's feeling into consideration. We only see flashbacks of her and Jack, but her story with Miguel, while different, should be interesting too. It's obvious that Miguel loves her and she loves him, even though it's a calmer, more "mature" thing than what she felt when she first met Jack.

As far as Deja, who cares and why was she brought into the show? Her useless character wasn't enough so they brought the useless boyfriend too. What a waste of airtime!
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