Just give it a chance
29 March 2024
I stumbled across this show on Hulu and just jumped into it looking for something easy to watch. I didn't expect this to be as entertaining or funny as it was. It's pretty straightforward: it's a sci-fi buddy comedy in the same vein of Bill & Ted or The Mighty Boosh except our comedic duo are 2 teenage girls. You might not like them the first few episodes but give them the full season and they'll grow on you. It's super silly, highly self aware, doesn't take itself seriously at all and makes fun of all things sci-fi. I only can see this show not working for some if you find the 2 leads to be unlikable or if the meta humor just isn't your cup of tea. But if you go into this just looking to laugh and can commit to the ten 30 minute episodes then I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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