Season 1 (8/10 stars): Get Through The First Two Episodes And Then Enjoy The Mind-Bending Ride!
27 March 2024
Apple has been on quite a heater, of late, in terms of original TV programming. Constellation deserves to be included in that list of successes-if one can just get through the first two episodes. After that, it is an extraordinary ride!

For a very basic overview, Constellation tells the story of Jo Ericsson (Noomi Rapace), a NASA astronaut on the International Space Station. When an emergency collision forces an evacuation, Jo discovers that the Earth she returns to seems...different...from the one she left. Husband Magnus (James D'Arcy) & daughter Alice (Rosie & Davina Coleman) seem estranged and other "life details" (cupboard arrangement, car color, etc.) are slightly off. Is this typical astronaut re-adjustment PTSD-or something to do with the quantum experiments overseen by NASA admin Henry Caldera (Jonathan Banks)?

The first thing that must be said about this inaugural season of Constellation is that the initial two episodes unspool extremely slowly. In a world of overwhelming amounts of "stuff to watch", I wouldn't blame viewers for thinking "this show isn't going anywhere" and tuning out. I almost did. But be assured-everything comes back around later in brilliant fashion! So, if you are at all interested, don't bail after episodes one and two.

After that rocky opening, a string of 4 episodes show steady improvement as characters are better developed and plots start to make a modicum of sense. The final two episodes? 10-stars and 9-stars from this reviewer-some of the best episodic TV drama I've seen in some time! Truly jaw-on-the-floor stuff for sci-fi fans.

I don't want to spoil any of Constellation's fascinating suppositions here, but suffice it to say that this season is a mix of themes from earlier sci-fi properties like Fringe, Interstellar, and Dark. Yes, that is high praise-but this Sean Jablonski (concept) and Peter Harness (written) series deserves it in the endgame.

Overall, I can only give Constellation S1 an 8/10 rating because it stumbles out of the gate. But again, I'd implore you-if even somewhat interested in the material-to press on. You may just find a little gem of a series that (hopefully) will be renewed for further mind-bending adventure!
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