Review of Resurrected

Resurrected (2023)
Surprisingly Good
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This sort of caught my eye on Netflix but from the start it caught my attention and pulled me in.

ACTING. Overall I enjoyed the acting. I'm not sure why some people don't like it but many of these people feel like real people and not in a movie. The main character is a little inconsistent but still overall is not bad. The boy who played the son at the beginning was very good. The actor who played him when older was more aloof but we could assume that was part of the resurrection process. The coldness of the ex-wife to the husband is so perfect for good reason. I really enjoyed the acting of the actress who played the hacker.

DIALOGUE. Much of the dialogue feels like normal conversation. The kinds of things people really say and not scripted.

PLOT. I found many elements of the storyline unique or unusual You're never sure if it's going to go in a certain way or not. Maybe become full blown horror or paranormal but doesn't do anything. I found the movie tense from start to finish.

SUBTILTY and PACING. At times things that happened without being telegraphed or were in the background. Some examples: *It was a little jarring to see the father go from being a bearded recluse in a motel room to being a priest but we really didn't need to see his redemption.

*At one point in the movie he just says he stole a phone but we didn't need to see him steal the phone.

*He escapes his apartment without any need for a big chase or even exposition of the police finding the FBI body *At the end he's blamed for the murder of many as the church continues to cover up the problem.

*The use of mobile cameras allowed for many casual everyday things that we might miss in other movies - even things like moving the liquor bottle to the side.

FORMAT. The whole movie is made using mobile or CCTV cameras and I think it was done very well. Unlike many found footage movies, the majority of the images in this movie were clear.

NEGATIVES. There are not many things I found negative about the film. Some were very minor: *I'd have liked to have known how the process worked but that really wasn't the point of the story.

*While much was not telegraphed, a few things were (FBI agent, wafer) but not too serious. At the same time, prior to the FBI agent, there had been two other times when we thought it was being set up and nothing happened.

*An obvious plot element considering over a billion people had been resurrected - how did those in the cult know which ones had already been resurrected or not. If you're shooting someone at a distance or hitting them with your car then you could be killing one of your own.

*The speed and clarity that others did not believe the hacker when she was putting in her messages under the FBI's handle. There might need have been some password or phrasing to make that kind of statement but we'll never know.

*The story is in the USA but some of the mass murders are in other countries. The FBI would not be involved in those. Do we assume all the intelligence forces around the world have been infiltrated so that no one finds their way to the dark web website?

Overall it is a movie that I would recommend to most people I know.
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