Mat Mustard, David Sesma, Andrew Bidou - all cases questioned
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The above names are the police and FBI officers guilty of sabotaging a legitimate investigation about a young woman kidnapped/sexually abused and her boyfriend left behind to defend himself. Any cases they have been involved in, should be dismissed as their unethical, unprofessional conduct has been proven in this documentary. A bizarre event mirroring Ben Affleck's movie, Gone Girl, the couple's report was labeled a hoax by media, officials, and the general public. It wasn't until a plucky new officer comes onto the scene with damning evidence that finally exonerates them. It is a shame that the movie colored the investigators' perspective on the case. A young beautiful wealthy couple seemingly misleading the detectives, but in truth, major crimes were committed. This documentary ends on plight of women who are ignored when they report sexual abuse. Not to be missed, but a difficult documentary to watch. And a reminder to men, your problems are not an excuse.
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