Perhaps I need to read the book
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Glimpses of interest in most episodes, particularly the impact on the protagonist. The plots do grow increasingly simplistic, the episodes formulaic. I imagine this is true to life in some ways, though the statement that we must see the killers as complex is offset by the portrayals that are simplistic and follow generally Freudian patterns (oral or anal phase) and abuse stereotypes (killer was abused, got no love, system let him down, etc.).

Given this scenario - which may or may not reflect the book's details - the details about Micki's life need to lead us into her own psychology over time, case by case. She gets stressed, chain smokes, has nightmares, loses her handsome mellow boyfriend, etc., but no "portrait" is ultimately presented. I don't need closure that artificially ties everything up with a bow, but some ending that clarifies how she will cope as she goes on after being shot would have been more than welcome. Does she find something, like the mass shooter's gun, that makes her feel safe enough to continue without ending up hospitalized or catatonic? Instead, she gets worse and worse and then...it ends. I suppose that is like life, but I did wonder if training others ultimately helps her to stabilize, knowing she is not alone.

Perhaps I just need to read the book and this series should have been a documentary about Micki instead.
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